GoodDollar is a digital coin with built-in daily basic income (UBI).
For everyone.
It is also a non-profit and open-source initiative.
The app itself is a digital wallet based on Blockchain technology.
(A web-app soon to be also a native app)
Our main challenge was to create an app that will bring blockchain technology
to the masses without even knowing that they are using blockchain.
People are usually intimidated by new technologies and for an app that has the potential to improve the lives of every person in the world, we knew we needed
to simplify things.
This ranges from avoiding jargon that most of the users might not understand — such as ‘decentralised’, ‘crypto’, ‘blockchain’, ‘smart contracts’, ‘DApp’ — to ‘hiding’ the full blockchain wallet address from the users.
DUX - DApp User Experience
We used the same approach that everyday payment and financial apps use,
and integrate it on the Blockchain environment.
For instance, using easy and fast payments by scanning QR codes versus using
a 40-character hexadecimal strings wallet address and calculating extra gas fees.
Functionality > Simplicity > Enjoyable
Most digital wallets have a section that shows the user transaction history,
but we wanted to take it to the next level. We built a feed with a visual logical system; each card in the feed is distinguished by color and icon.
Some have the same color but a different icon.
For example, ‘receive’ payment and ‘claim’ G$ has the same outcome:
GoodDollars are added to the user account, so their color is the same,
but the icon is not.
Moreover, we wanted the users to keep in mind our main goal — to reduce wealth inequality– and to convey to them the message that the more users and usage GoodDollar has, the greater impact we have.
So, occasionally, we’ll add to the feed cards with social impact stories.
Feed cards legend:
Receive / Claim = Green
Send / Donation = Red
System = Light Blue
Social Impact = Purple
Pending Payment = Orange
Hopefully, this visual system will be easy to understand and help the users
to scan their feed faster.